Medical Device Success - Your Success is Our Mission!

Medical Device Success - Your Success is Our Mission!

Episode 94 – Value Based Care and MedTech with Douglas Jacobs, MD, Chief Transformation Officer, Center for Medicare, CMS

July 31, 2022

You can’t talk about Value Based Care without including CMS and the Center for Medicare in the conversation.  In many of the past episodes on VBC we repeatedly refer to Medicare.  Today we get their input with the help of Douglas Jacobs, MD, Chief Transformation Officer, Center for Medicare at the CMS.  I really appreciate CMS allowing this conversation to happen. Doug is going to help us understand what CMS is, more specifically what the Center for Medicare is, bundled payments, VBC, ACOs, The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, The council for technology and innovation, the importance of health equity and more.  We frequently relate these issues to MedTech. For anyone that wants to better understand the CMS and the Center for Medicare specifically, you will want to listen to this episode.

Now Go Win Your Week!!

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CMS website link

Medicare Website link

The overall Medicare vision link

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Medicare and Accountable Care link

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