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MediBlurb's accurate and transparent health Information.

Latest Episodes

More Alcohol Less Brain
March 14, 2022

Heavy drinking is known to impair brain function by effects on structure and size. New study shows light-to-moderate alcohol use is associated with reductions in overall brain size.

Daily Life Movement and Cardiovascular Benefit
March 11, 2022

Daily life movement significantly reduced heart disease risk in senior women.

Post-Concussion Mental Health in Children and Youths
March 07, 2022

Significant risk of mental health problems in children & teens during the years following concussion

TV Watching and Blood Clots
March 06, 2022

Prolonged TV watching linked with blood clots in legs and potentially fatal blood clots to lungs. Anybody is at risk according to new study.

Electronic Device Magnets and Implanted Defibrillators
March 04, 2022

Strong magnets used in newer portable electronic devices can interfere with the function of implanted cardioverter defibrillators known as ICDs.

Atrial Fibrillation and Psychological Stress
February 27, 2022

Stress plays a bidirectional role in Atrial Fibrillation, both increasing AFib episodes and patients’ experience of mental health issues. Stress reduction may play a role in Atrial Fibrillation manage

Statin Intolerance Over-diagnosis
February 20, 2022

A new study of over 4 million patients showed that statin medication intolerance is “over-estimated and over-diagnosed.” oOverall, less than 10% of patients actually suffer side-effects caused by stat

Home Air Quality & Working From Home
February 16, 2022

Air quality inside homes may not be as good as air quality inside office buildings. This may be very important for health outcomes of the many people working from home.

Marijuana and Stroke
February 13, 2022

Problematic marijuana use already associated with increased risk of initial stroke. New study shows repeat stroke may be more likely in users ages 18-44.

Acetaminophen Raising Blood Pressure
February 08, 2022

Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) regular use linked to higher blood pressure and might increase the risk of heart disease or stroke similar to NSAIDs.