MediBlurb's accurate and transparent health Information.

MediBlurb's accurate and transparent health Information.

Latest Episodes

Lightning Safety Tips
August 14, 2022

Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones during a thunderstorm. Being outside when lightning is present is not something to ever take lightly.

Hypertension in Children and Teenagers
August 12, 2022

High blood pressure in children and adolescents is linked to health problems later in life. Early diagnosis of hypertension is crucial to allow management with lifestyle changes and, if needed, medica

Be Bear Aware
August 07, 2022

Being outdoors means being with wildlife. Many people never encounter a bear. But if you do, need to know this simple advice from the USDA Forest Service.

Dementia Risk From Ultra-processed Foods
August 02, 2022

People who eat the highest amounts of ultra-processed foods like soft drinks, chips and cookies may have a higher risk of developing dementia than those who eat the lowest amounts.

Avocados and the Heart
July 28, 2022

The American Heart Association says adding avocados to a healthy diet could reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and may lower your cholesterol.

Y Chromosome Loss and Men’s Health                
July 26, 2022

Y chromosome loss was associated in a new study with cardiovascular disease and heart failure. As chromosome loss increased so did the risk of death.

Vitamin D Deficiency May Lead To Dementia
July 18, 2022

Higher vitamin D status has been reported to have beneficial effects on the brain and now a new study suggests that vitamin D deficiency may lead to dementia.

Preterm Birth and Phthalates
July 12, 2022

Pregnant women who were exposed to multiple phthalates during pregnancy had an increased risk of preterm birth according to a new study led by the National Institutes of Health.

Increasing Liver Disease in Children
July 10, 2022

Increasing “non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” in children associated with exposure to several endocrine-disrupting chemicals before birth.

Private Well Arsenic and Newborn Outcomes
July 05, 2022

New study found an association between estimated groundwater arsenic concentration and the risk of low birth weight, even at low levels of arsenic.