MediBlurb's accurate and transparent health Information.

MediBlurb's accurate and transparent health Information.

Latest Episodes

Xylazine in Illicit Opioids
February 12, 2024

Xylazine is a veterinary drug newly found in illicit opioid supply that is resistant to naloxone. No antidote exists for xylazine.

Walking in Nature Restores Attention
February 04, 2024

Research measuring brain activity on people during walks through nature and parking lots, evaluated executive attention of the brain.

Erectile Function and Aerobic Exercise
January 30, 2024

Regular aerobic exercise can improve the erectile function of men, particularly those with worse baseline erectile dysfunction.

Daily Multivitamin Improves Brain Aging
January 29, 2024

Daily multivitamin supplement in older adults may improve memory and slow the aging of complex brain activities.

Energy Drinks and Sleep
January 25, 2024

Energy drinks are linked to poor sleep quality and insomnia among college students even with occasional use.

Cervical Cancer Awareness
January 16, 2024

The main cause of cervical cancer is long-lasting infection with certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV). What can be done?

Plant-based Diet Decreases COVID-19 Risk
January 10, 2024

Study suggests that diets rich in vegetables, legumes, and nuts, and low in dairy and meat, could offer protection against COVID-19.

Nanoplastics in Bottled Water
January 09, 2024

Bottled water can contain hundreds of thousands of previously uncounted extremely tiny plastic bits called nanoplastics.

Sleep Disruption and Brain Health
January 08, 2024

People who have more disrupted sleep in their 30s and 40s may be more likely to have memory and thinking problems a decade later.

Hearing Aid Use and Death
January 06, 2024

A new study by USC suggests that regular use of hearing aids by hearing-impaired adults may significantly reduce the risk of death.