The Media Narrative

Family Questions, Podcast Movement
In this solo podcast episode, your host, Rob Hochschild, talks about the Podcast Movement conference, his goals for podcasting, and a personal story that led directly to a career path of journalism, communications, and podcasting. There's also a number of podcast recommendations in the show—and additional ones listed below—for all of you who are hungry to discover great audio content.
In this episode, you'll learn about some highlights and takeaways from PM18, in Philadelphia, and hear how your host's childhood memory of learning about the Holocaust led to a lifetime of asking questions.
The following are a selection of shows represented at Podcast Movement 2018:
- Worth Listening (Athletes and personal finance; Lauryn Williams, host)
- The Derek Diamond Experience (Film, art, music, sports, and more; Derek Diamond, host)
- Happier (Advice and conversation; Gretchen Rubin, host)
- 7 Days a Geek (Comedy, pop culture; Jason the Angry Ginger, host)
- Lore (Nonfiction storytelling on the "darker side of history"; Aaron Mahnke, host)
- On the Schmooze (Leadership and networking; Robbie Samuels, host)
- The Dear Mattie Show (Advice, humor, storytelling; Matt Mahr, host)
- The Upgrade (from Lifehacker; hosts: Melissa Kirsch and Alice Bradley)
- School of Podcasting (Just what it sounds like; Dave Jackson, host)
- Read to Lead (Business book author interviews; Jeff Brown, host)
- Sounds of Berklee (Music and interviews; hosts: Kim Ashton and Bryan Parys)