The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness

The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness

Consulting Industry Insights with Patrick Curtis,

February 23, 2018

Quick wins interview with Patrick Curtis, a former investment banker and now the Founder/CEO of (WSO). In this interview, Patrick shares his career journey and how he got exposure to consulting in his college years, as well as how he made the leap into entrepreneurship. Patrick also shares the founding story of his popular website and its emerging, highly engaged consulting community.
WSO now offers consulting industry reports, a user-driven data collection effort that offers valuable key insights for the consulting community such as compensation data,  consulting firm reviews, and diversity stats.  Patrick shares his vision of the consulting industry data collection, some interesting emerging insights, and how you could become part of the conversation.

Listen to the Episode Here:
We’re going to be doing a Quick Wins interview. If this is your first time tuning in, Quick Wins are when we have a chance to connect with individuals, discussing ideas, products, or services to help round out your consulting toolkit. For this episode, we’ve got Patrick Curtis. He is a former investment banker. He’s now the CEO and founder of He shares some good insights on his career journey. He shares a little bit about the founding story of, which has an emerging consultant community on there. He’s in the beginning of starting to collect a lot of data on user-driven data collection on the consulting industry that you will find extremely helpful over time.
You’ll be able to get some cool insights and trends on the consulting industry. If you are data driven, you’ll love the numbers, go-getters. You can go to and sign up, become a member, and start to get some of the emerging data sets and insights that’s been provided, things like what schools are being heavily recruited at certain consulting firms, or consulting firms salaries. I know those that are in consulting, they can never get enough talking about salary and trends. You can start to get that type of information at Patrick shares his vision of the service that he’s providing and about how you can get connected.
I want to share to the go-getters, my book has been officially distributed. The MECE Muse has officially been released, so make sure you check it out. Get yourself a copy. We’re shipping worldwide and we’ll keep you posted. I know we’ve got a lot of things in the works in terms of how you are able to get a copy of the paperback book and we’ll keep you posted on those efforts.
Interview with Patrick Curtis
With that, let’s get started. Patrick, welcome to The MECE Muse Unplugged. How are you doing?
I’m great. Thanks for having me.
I’m super psyched to get a chance to connect with you. Big fan of your site I know this is going to be a great conversation. Patrick, maybe you could take a moment to introduce yourself to the go-getters of the MECE Muse Unplugged.
I’m Patrick Curtis. I was born in the Boston area, grew up around there, and went to college at Williams, middle of nowhere. I ended up working in investment banking for a few years. After that, did private equity and eventually founded Wall Street Oasis around 2006.