The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness

The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness

Taking Control of Your Consulting Destiny with Jack HM Wong

January 05, 2018

“Once we have the choice, we see alternatives and we see outcomes. Just realize that we always have this power of choice.”
AMA (Ask Me Anything) interview with Jack HM Wong, a former Big 4 consultant and now an entrepreneur with his own consulting firm and author of Cracking the Entrepreneur Code based in Singapore.  In this interview, Jack shares his career journey, providing candid advice and inspiring stories on his road to consulting greatness.
Jack discusses how he made the leap into the world of entrepreneurship. He also shares the differences between having an employee mindset versus entrepreneurial mindset and the journey he went through in order for him to be able to fulfill his destiny.  Jack also shares his opinions on the gig economy and what go-getters can do to make this transition.

Listen to the Episode Here:
We’re kicking off this episode with an AMA, Ask Me Anything, segment which are essentially interviews where we get a chance to connect with a seasoned consultant and they give you advice.
We have Jack H.M. Wong. He’s based in Singapore. He is a former Big Four consultant. He spent most of his career in a Big Four firm then decided to branch out and become an entrepreneur. He’s a speaker. He’s an author. He’s got a book called Cracking the Entrepreneur Code. He gives candid advice. I opened up the podcast and the beginning of this year with this episode because where he was at the crossroads and his consulting career and the decisions he made to branch out on his own resonates with a lot of go-getters that I’ve spoken to.
Interview with Jack HM Wong
I would like to welcome Jack H.M. Wong to the show. Thank you for making time to join us. How are you doing?
Thank you for inviting me.
Maybe you could take a moment to introduce yourself.
My name is Jack and I am from Singapore. In case somebody is asking where Singapore is, it is the center of South East Asia, about 20 to 30 hours’ flight from Boston. I used to work in a Big Four accounting firm. I spent almost eleven years working there. At one time, I decided to jump out of the plane and start my own consulting firm because enough is enough. Life has never been the same since I left the corporate world because every single day is an interesting day as an entrepreneur. The clients that I’m having are constantly giving me challenges.
Maybe you can take a moment and talk a little bit about your business. What made you decide to go into it? You have such an inspiring story. Maybe you can just share a little bit more context for us.
I work in a Big Four accounting firm. That was my first job. In my time, there’s no issue about getting a job. In fact, I had five offers from then the Big Six accounting firms. When I joined my first employer, I was promised a couple of things. Number one, “If you work hard, if you bill your clients on time, collect the money from them, you’ll get your annual promotion and your increment and in fifteen years down the road, you’ll become a partner of the firm.” I was sold with that idea. After working with that firm for about eleven years, one fine day, maybe of some chemistry or something had turned out that I do not know why, I had an argument with one of the partners in the firm. As a result of that quarrel, in the next six months, I had been let go of the firm. That’s the end of my eleven-year lifetime span in the accounting firm. After this, I moved to an international law firm in Singapore. That was an employee’s mindset, moving from one job to the other job. Sooner or later, I realize that life is totally not balanced. As a lawyer, it’s very good pay, but no life.