Measuring Up Podcast

Measuring Up Podcast

#045: Our Typical Days

January 19, 2020

Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast. Loads in today's episode including:

* Andy's had his first drone flight
* More Instagram scam woes
* Continue chat about electric vehicles
* House buying... is something finally happening?
* Start of year routines and getting back to work
* What were our typical days like when we were both full-time woodworkers?

Remember if you'd like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here:

Awesome people we talked about today:

* Tomorrow's World house of 2020 video
* Range test of Mavic Mini drone
* Steve Ramsay on Ted's Woodworking scam
* Economics of Sweden video

A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here:

Follow Us:

* Subscribe to Andy's Gosforth Handyman channel on YouTube
* Subscribe to Peter's 10 Minute Workshop channel on YouTube
* Help Support the Show on Patreon
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* Show Web Site and Full Show Notes at
* Feedback: @MeasuringUpPC on Twitter
* Instagram: @measuringuppodcast