Me And My Golf Podcast

Me And My Golf Podcast

How Yoga Could Be The Answer To Your Best Golf – Liesbeth Pauwels

November 22, 2021

In this episode, we welcome back Golf Performance Coach and movement specialist Liesbeth Pauwels. 

Liesbeth advises, coaches and trains numerous Dutch national players, top amateur juniors, senior tour professionals, teaching professionals, Olympians & LPGA athletes.

​Passionate about modern sport psychology and ancient eastern philosophy, we have collabortated to create something amazing for the golf world. A Golf Yoga plan that will really help golfers make faster, long lasting changes in their swing so they can ultimately hit longer, more consistent shots and feel great too.

Today we breakdown any misconceptions people have about Yoga. What you can expect to gain from this type of training. How often you should do it to see results as well as many other topics. 

Liebeths mission is clear: develop a strong healthy golf community that plays golf forever! 

To check out this plan we have created and unlock your golfing potential, simply click the link below to find out more. 

Full Body Freedom Plan

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