Success, Motivation & Inspiration

Success, Motivation & Inspiration

Yash Gajjar on the Success, Motivation & Inspiration podcast

December 16, 2019

Yash Gajjar is the youngest guest I’ve had on the show so far! Yash is a 14-year-old international speaker, author, and mentor. He started speaking since 5 and has spoken in front of crowds of hundreds and thousands. He started his first online business that reached over 16k in 5 months all organically when he was 12.
He has also published a book called “Success Secrets for Teens by Yash Gajjar” which is a number one bestselling book. He has now been motivating teenagers across the world with personality development programs to help teens not only change their mindset but live the best quality of life. For the past 3 years, he’s helped thousands of teens build a positive mindset, get rid of stress and anxiety and live a life that is full of happiness.
Yash helps parents improve their relationships with their kids and believes that as soon as your teen gets a mindset shift, their life will change. He goes internationally speaking at schools, colleges, and corporate events helping to inspire and motivate their audiences.
Yash has been able to help train many teenagers through his programs and events and he shares that all his success in life is a result of him changing his mindset.
Below are some insights from Yash Gajjar. Enjoy!
What is your personal definition of success?
My personal definition of success is doing what I love. Success to me is not money, a car, or anything like that. To me, success is following my passion because success equals happiness and I’m only happy if I follow my passion and when you are driven behind your passion and you’re doing what you love, the money comes naturally.
Most people have adopted the world’s definition of success. All because some people’s definition of success is having a nice car, a mansion, or having fancy parties does not mean that’s your definition of success.
Imagine a life where you wake up every morning pursuing your passion and doing something that only makes you feel fulfilled but helps make a positive impact on the world. That’s what success is.
Can you share the steps you take daily to improve?
For me, it’s as simple as planning my day and at the end of my day reflecting. Reflecting on the situation I faced and asking myself one question, Did I make progress? Did I make progress in my relationships, my career, my social life, my emotional life, my health, as long as I’ve made a little progress in every aspect I’m improving?
Most of you want to improve in your life but what ends up happening is you only focus on improving in one aspect of your life. Many people go crazy and only focus on their careers. They end up improving and making a lot of money but then when they look back they realize how everything else sucks now. They hadn’t improved on here relationships, they hadn’t improved on there healthy, and they hadn’t improved on their emotional feelings. All that does is make you confused and even though you improved like crazy on one aspect you absolutely failed in the other aspects of your life.
The 1 step I take to improving every day on a daily is making progress in every aspect of my life and not going crazy after only 1 part of my life. As you start to make more and more progress and improve daily in every part of your life you will end up being balanced. I would rather have 3 jacks with me then 1 king.
What is your advice for someone making an important decision?
My advice is not to focus on what other people say but trusting your gut.