The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge and Chuck Martin

The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge and Chuck Martin

Latest Episodes

Mobile shopping habits from around the world
March 13, 2015

A recent comScore study done on behalf of UPS dove deep into the global habits of mobile shoppers. The study surveyed over 19,000 people around the world and the main points that focused on mobile commerce are highlighted here by Chuck.

The mobile payments soup
March 10, 2015

In case you hadn't noticed, there is a serious focus these days on mobile payments. It has become, in relative terms, much easier to add payments to an app today than ever before and companies are doing just that. There are some clear leaders emerging in

88% of mobile app revenue comes after the download
March 06, 2015

In case there was any doubt about the monetization strategy that works with mobile apps, Juniper Research's latest report makes it very clear. 88% of app revenue comes from in-app purchases, not at the point of sale. The other incredible number that Chuck

Digital products have become the mobile commerce gateway drug
March 03, 2015

With all the focus on physical product sales from mobile, we should not forget the digital side of mobile sales - which is still growing at an incredible pace. Books, music, movies and apps are driving billions of dollars in mobile sales and are the gatew

Google buying Softcard doesn’t reduce mobile payment confusion
February 26, 2015

Google did what everyone expected and picked up the technology that once powered the promise of Softcard (nee ISIS). Google's Wallet is now one of the new old powerhouses in mobile payments but what does the landscape look like without the carrier consort

Mobile accounts for 9% of online spending
February 25, 2015

Another day, another study on the global growth of mobile commerce. The latest is from Ipsos on behalf of PayPal and we summarize the key findings here - including the top 3 obstacles to mobile payments.

47% have purchased from their mobile phone
February 24, 2015

According to a new PWC study, almost half of us have made a purchase from our phones - that is up from 30% just 2 short years ago. The study examines how often we buy from our phones and what we actually do with them during the purchase process. Chuck sum

Beacons: So small yet so big
February 23, 2015

The path to success with beacons is not as easy as turning them on and collecting revenue. It may seem so simple on the outside but, as you'll see from this episode, to get it right requires having a comprehensive plan in place before paving a beaconed pa

Mobile payments IRL
February 19, 2015

Mobile payments are the topic du jour but, as Chuck identifies in this episode, they are far from ubiquitous and face some steep challenges along the way.

Beacons to influence $44 billion in sales in 2016
February 18, 2015

BI Intelligence has put the first stake in the ground on the influence beacons will have on retail sales. $44 billion by 2016, up from $4 billion this year. Is this a big number? Is this a viable number? That's what we discuss in this episode.