The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge and Chuck Martin

The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge and Chuck Martin

Mobile security: If you liked it, then you shoulda put a password on it

January 08, 2015

The very reason we love mobile is the very reason we should protect our device with a password or some sort of security. Think about it, the phone is the most personal device we own and 50% of us don't lock it down. Do you leave your front door open when you aren't home? Why then would you not put a password on your device? Even those of us that do use some sort of lock on our smartphones, it is often the same one that we use elsewhere - this according to a recent study by Nok Nok Labs and Javelin Strategy & Research. The key results of that study, Smartphones, Tablets and Fraud: When apathy meets security, are summarized here by Chuck. Hey folks, it's time to get your password on...

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