Mayhem at the Matinee

Mayhem at the Matinee

Cliffhanger with our very good friend and guest Daniel!

June 16, 2017

We are back people and we have our friend Daniel in the studio today! On this episode, we breakdown and discuss the 1993 rock climbing, helicopter flying, dying in caves classic CLIFFHANGER starring Sly Stallone, Micheal Roooker, John Lithgow, and Janine Turner!

We also talk about Albert not being able to stay awake to watch Rogue One, not being able to afford Netflix, being frugal, 80085 as a password, taking surveys in creepy offices, 90's xtreme sports stereotypes, and LEON! This is a long one folks, but we promise its worth it all the way through!
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Recorded in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles Ca!