

The Maxlexia~Mathlexia connection

November 21, 2020

How Maxlexia evolved from Mathlexia…

Maxlexia was not something that I created intentionally… rather it evolved naturally from years of my work exploring, defining and curing Mathlexia.

I work one on one with people who have dyslexia and who are struggling in math. This experience has blown my mind and opened my eyes to the incredible intuitive and creative math abilities of students who are actually failing math in school.

As I began to reflect and formalize how I was getting these dyslexic students from math grades of 30% upto 80-90% I realized that although my work involved a solid component of addressing math content… my real work was in rebooting their dyslexic life experiences.

When a child with dyslexia has early traumatic academic experiences, their self-confidence and self-esteem are crushed at a young age and they carry this baggage for years. This can negatively impact all aspects of their personal and professional lives… sometimes forever