Max Q from Peabody LAUNCHPad

5. Max Q – Ashna Pathan
Our guest this month is film, theatre, and games composer Ashna Pathan (BM ’22). Currently working as a full-time assistant to the acclaimed composer Mac Quayle in Los Angeles, Ashna’s recent projects include the award-winning comedy short “Aghast!” and the full-length musical “Senior Year Is Gonna Kill Me! – The Murder-Mystery Musical.” We delve into Ashna’s diverse types of composition, her journey into the LA music production scene, finding opportunity and support in your networks, and her strategies for time management and motivation.
Instagram: @ashnapathanmusic
Youtube: @ashnapathanmusic
We’re closing out the episode with a sound clip Ashna wrote for the 2022 short film NURIKABE.
Recorded January 27, 2024.
Season 4 music by Soo Hyun Bahn. Audio editing by Greg Hays. Logo by MegDig Design.