Max Q from Peabody LAUNCHPad

1. Max Q – Andrea Copland
This week on Max Q, we spotlight Andrea Copland (MM ’19, Oboe & Musicology), a Baltimore-based oboist, music historian, and librarian. Integrating actively performing and gigging with contributions to research institutions like Peabody’s Friedheim Library and the répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM) database, Andrea has also taken on the role of an educator with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s OrchKids program. Passionate about social justice and music accessibility, she delves into the confluence of music, politics, and perception on her blog, ‘Outward Sound’. We discuss the opportunities found in setbacks, balancing multiple priorities, and building what motivates you into your job.
Instagram: @outwardsound
Andrea’s recommendations:
Simone de Beauvoir’s The Ethics of Ambiguity
William Cheng’s Just Vibrations
Jonathan Sterne’s Diminished Faculties .
Recorded Aug. 7, 2023
Season 4 music by Soo Hyun Bahn. Audio editing by Greg Hays. Logo by MegDig Design.