Obstacle Racing Media Podcast

Obstacle Racing Media Podcast

Joe Fejes and The Challenge/Mud Mingle

February 11, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, I became aware of a man named Joe Fejes. I learned from a friend that Joe broke the record for the Across The Years Race in Arizona by running 329 miles in 72 hours. It turns out that Joe runs with a group every Wednesday at 5:30am about 20 minutes from my house. I couldn't think of a better reason to get up that early. So I met up with Joe for a run and then a little breakfast and a nice chat. You will also listen in to a phone call I had with Garfield Griffiths from Onlythefearless.com. He is bringing us both The Challenge Mud Run and The Mud Mingle. His first event is in Miami March 30. Listen in to learn about these upcoming events.