The Matt and Mark Movie Show

Let’s Do a Double Feature: GLADIATOR II and CONCLAVE | Full SPOILER discussions for each movie!
Great week for people who like flowing robes in their movies!
This week, we return from Thanksgiving break with our Double Feature review format to discuss not one… but TWO… brand spankin’ new movies: GLADIATOR II and CONCLAVE.
Our double feature review begins around 22:34, so scrub ahead if you just want to get down to biznass.
But if you skip ahead, you’ll miss out on us imitating George Takei, reminiscing about the old school “V cut” style of bread at Subway, and of course, our new physical media segment, “SHOW ME YOUR DISC, MAN!” which includes a trip down memory lane for Matt with a very nerdtacular animated series from the 90s.
SPOILERS ABOUND! You have been warned. Hail, Dondas!
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