KBXL 94.1 The Voice

KBXL 94.1 The Voice

Latest Episodes

With Joy For You All – Part 6
December 30, 2021

Abide in Truth is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Emmett and listeners can tune in every weekday at 10:30 am and again at 5:45 pm. Mike Hughes is the teaching pastor at CC Emmett and each week he looks t

“Colossian” Countermeasures
November 02, 2016

How do we counter the non-reformed people? Check out Colossians 2:14. What does it mean? How can you use it? Lets find out!Read More →

The Day Matt Almost Died and the Election
November 01, 2016

Its November 1st and its the day that Matt almost died. Matt starts the show by recalling the day when he was almost murdered.Read More →

Reformation Day and The Roman Catholic Church
October 31, 2016

On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church. These 95 theses were a list of questions and propositions that Luther wished to debate and the 95 Theses would later become the founda

Atheists’s and Shawn McCraney’s Standard
October 28, 2016

Matt was recently down in Salt Lake talking with Shawn McCraney on his show Heart of the Matter. Today Matts receiving questions talking about his talk with Shawn McCraney. It seems that Shawn struggles the same way as Atheists in order to determine wher

Classic Liberalism
October 27, 2016

Matt is back in the studio today. Liberalism becomes the hot topic in todays episode. Are liberals being hypocritical? Intolerant? Find out how and why.Read More →

Chad Prigmore: Arminianism
October 26, 2016

Chad is in the studio for Matt today. Among other topics, Chad talks about Arminianism. Does Arminianism reject the doctrine?Read More →

Chad & Randy: Your Vote is Not a Waste
October 25, 2016

Chad and Randy tag team the Matt Slick Live show and take your questions and comments. One topic: the presidential election. Do not devalue yourself and your beliefs. Vote for the person that has solid Christian values. Even if they are not a part of a m

Randy Reams: The Family Integrated Church Model
October 24, 2016

A caller also asks Randy about the Family Integrated church model which Randys church takes part in. What is the Family Integrated model and is this an effective way for a church to operate? Read More →

Wacko Mail and God’s Election
October 21, 2016

Its Friday and Matt is reading some Wacko and Hate Mail. Matt is also talking with a caller about Salvation and the difference of becoming a Christian and being a Christian. Does God grant us repentance? Do we need to repent in order to become a Christia
