Massive Damage Adventures

Massive Damage Adventures

Latest Episodes

S4E11 – Tales from the Loop: Summer Break and Killer Birds (Part 2/2)
November 01, 2021

The kids are in the thick of the investigation now! After being menaced by talking birds, they tracked them to their big nest and noticed ....   Read More

S4E11 – Tales from the Loop: Summer Break and Killer Birds (Part 1/2)
November 01, 2021

The 80s that never was, as envisioned by Simon Ståhlberg and Free League Publishing. This is Tales from the Loop! Our ten to sixteen-year-old protagonists ....   Read More

S4B11 – Iron Kingdoms RPG: Act of Murder (Part 2/2)
October 16, 2021

After investigating the horrifying murder of Osip Levin, our heroes hit a tavern, visited a cemetery, and found a solid lead to find Makar Iokav. ....   Read More

S4B11 – Iron Kingdoms Requiem: Act of Murder (Part 1/2)
October 16, 2021

It’s a return to many things. A return of a previous cast to continue the story. A return of a Full Metal Fantasy setting to ....   Read More

S4E10 – Iron Kingdoms RPG: Undeath Metal (Part 2/2)
October 01, 2021

Manxe, Silus, Maeral, Shay, and Gnurl have beaten the bandits, had a nice evening, and woken up to the scene of an abduction. Outside, several ....   Read More

S4E10 – Iron Kingdoms RPG: Undeath Metal (Part 1/2)
October 01, 2021

Based on the miniatures skirmish wargame, the Iron Kingdoms RPG (2012) by Privateer Press is a full metal fantasy game about war, industry, and intrigue. ....   Read More

S4B10 – Achtung! Cthulhu: Under the Gun
September 13, 2021

Bonus episode! We’re reviewing Achtung! Cthulhu published by Modiphius Entertainment and we’re also interviewing lead developer John Houlihan! Players: Jen Moir, Alex Moddle, David Hughes, ....   Read

S4E09 – Dragon Age: Amber Rage (Part 2/2)
September 01, 2021

Old Stoyanka tells our heroes that the only antidote to the Amber Rage can be found to the south, in the wilderness. Players: Roya Grinsted, ....   Read More

S4E09 – Dragon Age: Amber Rage (Part 1/2)
September 01, 2021

Based on the award-winning video game by BioWare, Dragon Age is exactly what you expect. Dark fantasy in a world beset by terrors. While enjoying ....   Read More

S4B09 – Vampire the Masquerade: Fall of London
August 19, 2021

Bonus episode! We’re reviewing Vampire the Masquerade as well as Fall of London currently published by Renegade Game Studios, previously published by Modiphius Entertainment. Our ....   Read More