Massive Damage Adventures

Massive Damage Adventures

Latest Episodes

Bonus Episode 1 – John Carter of Mars
May 17, 2019

This bonus episode of Massive Damage Adventures brings in guest Earl J. Woods to talk about the John Carter of Mars RPG by Modiphius Entertainment. ....   Read More

Episode 7 – The One Ring: Dragonslayers
May 15, 2019

In the seventh episode of Massive Damage Adventures, we journey to the world of Middle Earth as told by Cubicle 7’s The One Ring Roleplaying ....   Read More

Episode 6 – Mistborn: The Kindling Job
May 01, 2019

Episode six of Massive Damage Adventures drops us into the Cosmere for the first time. It’s time for a heist, and there’s nothing better than ....   Read More

Episode 5 – Star Trek Adventures: USS Singularity
April 15, 2019

The fifth episode of Massive Damage Adventures takes to space once again as the crew of the USS Singularity attends a diplomatic summit above the ....   Read More

Episode 4 – D&D5e: Ptolus Shadow Ball
March 31, 2019

In the fourth episode of Massive Damage Adventures, we follow the villains. A group of fantasy ne’er-do-wells are invited to the auction of several evil ....   Read More

Episode 1 – Wizarding FATE
January 14, 2019

In the first episode of Massive Damage Adventures, our heroes enter J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World as students at Hogwarts. They face bullies, magic, and all ....   Read More
