

SustainabiliTREE Podcast Ep3 – Deer with Ben Harrower

September 11, 2024

Welcome to the third edition of SustainabiliTREE, a podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, with a specific focus on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector.

In each episode we’ll be looking at a variety of topics around this theme, including woodland creation, funding streams, plastic pollution, deer, soils, ecology and so much more!

Episode 3 looks at deer management and features a lovely chat with Ben Harrower from BH Wildlife Consultancy – we learnt a lot!

Episode Notes:

0:28: Summer’s making a retreat

2:15: What are we talking about – deer!

3:30: Deer in the Dales

4:25: Deer in Essex – the whole lot!

6:10: Deer in the UK

8:50: How many deer are out there in the UK?

9:50: Ben Harrower is welcomed to the podcast

(no more time stamps for Ben – we want you to listen to the full interview!)

42:35: Our key takeaways from Ben

46:10: A change of plan for the next episode

47:20: How can we manage deer? What are the options?

51:35:  John Muir Trust – Clear on Deer

55:05: FPWG Conference

56:30: Deer Management Consultations




58:18: Quiz time!

1:04:10: Parish Notices

Forest Plastics Working Group Website

Plot That Plastic App and Citizen Science Project

Plastic Tree Shelter Recycling

1:05:50: Countrystride Podcast

SustainabiliTREE is a Mascarandy Media production. You can contact the team at

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