

SustainabiliTREE Podcast Ep1 – Welcome: Why do we plant trees?

May 02, 2024

Welcome to SustainabiliTREE, a new podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, with a specific focus on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector.

In each episode, we’ll be looking at a variety of topics around this theme, including woodland creation, funding streams, plastic pollution, deer, soils, ecology and so much more!

Episode 1 looks at why we plant trees whilst podcast host Katie puts her co-host, Mike, on the spot with a tricky tree fact quiz.

Episode Notes:

0:35 Introductions

1:56 Why SustainabiliTREE

5:02 Katie’s magic hat…

7:20 Why do we plant trees?

The UK is the third largest importer of timber


15:18 Ash Dieback and Deadwood

16:44 UK Forestry Standard (UKFS)

17:30 Natural Regeneration

England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)

20:40 Tree Fact Quiz!

25:10 All the gear…

27:50 The next podcast…

28:20 Plot That Plastic

29:55 Parish Notices

Forest Plastics Working Group Case Studies

Reducing the Use of Plastic in Amenity and Woodland Planting

SustainabiliTREE is a Mascarandy Media production. You can contact the team at

Music by


Podcast logo by Ryan Collins t/a Wild Whenever.

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