Marvel's Cosmic Comics: Star Wars, John Carter, ROM, Micronauts, and Beyond!

Marvel's Cosmic Comics: Star Wars, John Carter, ROM, Micronauts, and Beyond!

“With Dugan on the Docks” (Godzilla #19, February 1979) – MCC115

January 05, 2020

Using Star Wars as a guideline,  we’re exploring comic books based on licensed properties that Marvel Comics published from 1977 to 1986.

Godzilla, now man-sized, sneaks through the city . . . until he comes to a face-off with Dum Dum Dugan. A face-off that finally allows Dum Dum and Big-G to come face to face and go mano-a-mano!

You can listen to the rest of the series here: Godzilla King of the Monsters List of Episodes