The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

MR012012:"Life is Good in Israel...In Spite of What You May Read, Hear and See on the News"

January 20, 2012

Listen to how the divides and social riffs in Israel are narrowing, as Israeli society and the Israeli economy moves forward on all fronts...How the role of women and the ultra-Orthodox is evolving and advancing...contrary to the much reported problems in the religious vs. secular realm...

Also...As Israeli TV hit "Still Standing" is exported to the US and 30 other countries...A special look at Israeli it is growing and expanding

And...A riveting feature on Official Palestinian Authority-sponsored TV...From Sesame Street to the praising of murderous terrorists, to Israeli parliament members joining in the praise of terrorist-murderers of Israelis...

Plus...Turkish television breaks ground with their programming...From Holocaust documentaries to Israeli Jewish singers representing Turkey to the international community on Eurovision...

All this and more on The Marty Roberts Show