The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

MR10312:"Tweeting for Terror...Twitter, Facebook and Other Social Media are Being Used and Abused By Known Terrorist Organizations"

January 03, 2012

Not Twitter, not the American State Department, not the U.S. Department of Justice...They seem to be more concerned with going after on-line poker sites and catching people downloading episodes of TV shows and computer games than international Jihad...

But leave it to the Israelis...Nitzana Darshan-Leitner and her Shurat Ha-Din Israel Law Center is going after Twitter BIG TIME!!!...Details of the battle on the show...

And let's not forget Facebook...terrorist "Fan" pages and causing divorces...

Than there's the case of Facebook threatening to sue Mark Zuckerberg...Thought he was the founder of Facebook?...not THIS one (AND he happens to be Israeli)...

Also...Israeli lawmakers are being offered their own training in use of social media (we can only hope, using it for good...)...not to mention social etiquette, like eating with utensils and keeping their mouths closed while kidding...

Plus...Saudi hackers gain access to personal and financial information of thousands of Israelis and publish it all on the web...They call it their "gift to the world for the new year"...Listen to the show for more, and other Arab hacking of Israeli websites...for better AND for worse...

Also...The Tagli-Birthright trips to Israel launch the winter season with lots of surprises, female Israeli Air Force pilots...

All this and more on The Marty Roberts Show