Signals From Mars Podcast
Podcast Episode 79 - Jon Oliva
Episode 79 of Mars Attacks Podcast contains an interview with Jon Oliva. Jon is best known for his work in Savatage, Jon Oliva’s Pain and Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO). The majority of the interview focuses on Jon’s first ever solo album Raise The Curtain. Jon discusses how the material for the album came together, what pressure (if any) he felt when releasing the last unreleased tracks written by his late brother Criss, the lost art of making an album, and what TSO means to his career (among other things).
The episode features snippets of tracks from Oliva, Savatage, Scorpions, Def Leppard, Judas Priest, and Lamb Of God.
Support the bands you love, if you like any of the tracks featured, help support the band and the podcast buy clicking on the following links to purchase songs by the bands in question:
Savatage – Hall of the Mountain King
Def Leppard – Viva! Hysteria (Original Soundtrack)
If you prefer the CD version they can be purchased here from Amazon.
The episode can be streamed or downloaded from here: