MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Perpetual Victims

December 15, 2015

You can quickly discern how healthy an individual is by observing the way that person responds to hurt and tension.  Ideally it is best to allow emotions to be present even as you objectively figure out the wisest ways to maintain balance.  Unfortunately some people respond to tensions with a Victim’s Mentality, meaning they stay stuck in troublesome patterns.  This episode will expose 10 ways Victim’s thwart personal growth, and you will be challenged to develop the mind of The Overcomer.

Something to Think about:

Life can bring pain and it is normal to experience strained emotions.

Perpetual Victims can be so invested in blaming others that they become their own worst enemy.

Overcomers know that even when people and events disappoint, they are still responsible for their own choices as they move forward.

Let’s Talk Question:
Why do you suppose it is so tempting to blame (as opposed to being objective) when problems arise in key relationships?