MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Use of Alcohol

December 01, 2015

At times, family problems can be greatly exaggerated by the use of alcohol.  When a person has difficulty maintaining balance in alcohol consumption, it is highly probable that imbalances will occur elsewhere.  In this episode we will discuss the potential pitfalls of imbalanced alcohol use, focusing on helpful suggestions that will assist you in keeping alcohol from being a negative contributor to your primary relationships.

Something to Think about:

Misuse of alcohol commonly adds to relational and emotional tensions.

Alcohol use is most likely to be balanced when you have a well-conceived plan regarding its place in your life.

When individuals can be objective in determining modesty, it usually is the result of an empathetic attitude.

Let’s Talk Question:
“In your home, what does your attitude about alcohol say about your overall approach to relationships?”