MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Releasing Anger

November 24, 2015

Sometimes, no matter how right or appropriate you are, your efforts to address frustrations fall flat. At that point you may need to reassess your goals to include the release of your anger – letting go of it. This choice is not always desirable or natural, but it may represent your best option for inner peace. In this episode, we’ll explore what it means to move beyond repetitive anger.

Something to Think about:

The truth is that sometimes the same old problems recur no matter how cleanly you attempt to resolve it.

Many individuals become weighed down by their anger as they continue to apply the same maladaptive efforts that have not worked for years.

Releasing anger requires you to manage your emotions well especially when others are not coordinated with you.

Let’s Talk Question:
“What are some of the most common repetitive scenarios in your home where you find yourself at an impasse?”