MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

You Just Don't Get It

November 17, 2015

When you commit to a long-term relationship, you probably have some level of expectation that you will experience a reasonable synergy. Unfortunately, some individuals find themselves in close relations where that synergy will never materialize, leaving them with the question: “Now what?” This episode will help you explore your options when faced with a relationship that may never live up to reasonable expectations.
Something to Think about:

Not all matches are made in heaven, but that does not necessarily mean they are doomed.

Regardless of the other person’s lack of connection to your heart, you are still responsible for monitoring your responses wisely.

Deep disagreement gives you the opportunity to discern how to manage your anger and tension constructively.

Let’s Talk Question:
“Why do some people seem to be oblivious to insight and awareness, even when you have done a good job explaining yourself?”