MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

A Lifetime of Maturing

November 03, 2015

Let’s hope that when you are in your 50’s, 60’s and beyond, you will handle life with a fuller maturity than when you were in your 20’s and 30’s.  For this to happen, you will need to contemplate who you are and where your life is headed.  In this podcast, four distinct life stages will be identified and you will be challenged to consider where you are in your own maturation process.
Something to Think about:

Ultimately, maturity focuses less on external tasks and instead emphasizes internal contemplation.

Many adults never take the time to consider the kind of legacy they want to leave behind.

As you mature, you are able to examine your own mistakes as part of the journey.

Let’s Talk Question:
“What primary qualities would you expect to observe in an adult who is committed to an ongoing effort to live maturely?”