MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Wisdom Over Correctness

October 13, 2015

When family members disagree, they can readily resort to arguments about the correct way to manage the problem. (“This is the way it ought to be.”)  In many situations, though, correctness is not necessarily the ultimate determinant for resolving problems.  Sometimes wisdom is needed as a means of discerning how to address problems with full discernment.  In this podcast you will be challenged to recognize that while it is nice to be right, it is even better to be wise.
Let’s Talk
One of the most important aspects to positive change is communication and questions are the best way to gain deeper insights and develop more innovative solutions. So each week, I ask a question.
“What is it about the deep need to be correct that can ruin relationships?”
Something to Think about

A primary focus on correctness tends to overlook deeper emotional issues, as if the inner person is unimportant.
Overly correct people lack the patience to get to know someone’s back story and to allow resolutions to unfold over time.
Wise people like to hear about others needs, interpretations, and desires as they discern the best ways to engage.

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