MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio


August 18, 2015

When tensions arise, you will need to employ skills emphasizing an even give-and-take flow of communication.  Unfortunately, many individuals have concluded that open, fair exchanges are not likely, so they suppress real emotions and become pleasers instead.  This form of communication is driven by fear, and ultimately it is dishonest.  This podcast will discuss clean alternatives to a more honest, firm approach toward problem solving.
Let’s Talk
One of the most important aspects to positive change is communication and questions are the best way to gain deeper insights and develop more innovative solutions. So each week, I ask a question.
“ What is it about excessive pleasing that can bring strain to a relationship?”
Something to Think about

Appeasement represents a form of dishonesty.
Appeasers set themselves up for a wide array of inner strains because of the tendency to suppress.
Well-defined boundaries can offset the negative effects of being a pleasing person.

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