MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

The Importance of Empathy

July 03, 2015

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Good communication begins with empathy, being a listener who tunes into the other’s perceptions and feelings from that person’s frame of reference.  When empathy levels are low you can expect control and insensitivity to dominate the relationship.  But when empathy is strong, coordination and connection are much more likely.
Let’s Talk
One of the most important aspects to positive change is communication and questions are the best way to gain deeper insights and develop more innovative solutions. So each week, I ask a question.
“What do you suppose is the greatest impact you can have on a relationship by the consistent use of empathy?”
Something to Think about
Empathy involves listening, but it is much more than that.
Empathetic people make consistent use of patience as they take time to sift out why people are the way they are.
The best way to be understood is to show understanding.
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