MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Aggressive or Assertive?

July 03, 2015

Do you ever become angry?  Well, of course you do.  Anger is part of your humanity.  A better question is:  Once you elect to express your anger, how do you manage the emotion?  Some elect to be forceful, abrasive, caustic, or insulting.  They mistakenly assume that the more aggressively they convey their thoughts, the more their words will take root in the other’s mind.  (Actually, the net result is that people can barely tolerate ongoing aggression.)  Some, however, choose to communicate with assertion, speaking about their needs and convictions while demonstrating respect for the other’s dignity.  Which tendency describes you best?
Let’s Talk
One of the most important aspects to positive change is communication and questions are the best way to gain deeper insights and develop more innovative solutions. So each week, I ask a question.
“When your anger becomes aggressive, how are your closest relationships affected? Why do you do this?”
Something to Think about
At the moment you feel anger, you have choices.
Aggressive anger causes a person to be so consumed with Self’s needs that the other’s are dismissed.
Assertive anger involves standing for self respect while also showing respect toward the other.