MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Delicate Detachment

July 03, 2015

Let’s face it, sometimes the ones you love most are not exactly the picture of emotional composure.  Disagreements can be met with a thick wall of defense.  Opinions can be expressed insultingly.  Verbal exchanges can become little more than invalidations.  Before you know it, your mood goes from reasonable to awful, leaving you in an emotional pit.  As a contrast, you can learn the art of delicate detachment, which requires you to unhook from your partner’s “invitation” to insanity.  You can choose healthiness even when you are met full force with unhealthiness.  (Yes, it can happen!)
Let’s Talk
One of the most important aspects to positive change is communication and questions are the best way to gain deeper insights and develop more innovative solutions. So each week, I ask a question.
“In what circumstances will you need to unhook emotionally in order to refrain from unhealthy responses?”
Something to Think about
You cannot afford to allow your emotions to depend too heavily on your partner’s behaviors or pronouncements.
You don’t set my pace; I set my pace.
Each individual is responsible for his/her emotional responses.