MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Seeing into the Other's Anger

August 30, 2016

When someone is inappropriately angry
toward you, it is easy to become pulled into the raw mood of the
moment. As a contrast, if you can learn to recognize what is truly
pushing that person’s anger along, you can develop objective
understanding that prevents you from responding in your own
maladaptive reactions.
Something to Think about:

Angry people are commonly
drawing upon fear and insecurity as they display their

Often that person’s anger
represents a lack of self-awareness, but if you maintain
objectivity you can remain steady.

Seeing into the other person’s
anger can be a crucial step toward maintaining healthy relationship

Let’s Talk Question:
When your partner becomes angry, what
unhealthy reactions can be stirred within you? What are your
cleaner alternatives?