MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

The Affair Crisis Plan

June 28, 2016

Description: Once an extra-marital affair is exposed, emotions become erratic and communications can be difficult. Because of the sensitivity of the situation, reason needs to be applied. This podcast gives an overview of twelve areas that need to be addressed so the people involved will have the highest potential of responding to this marital intrusion as constructively as possible. Something to Think about: Responding to an emotionally loaded situation with no plan in place will only increase frayed feelings. A broad array of topics need to be explored so individuals and couples can move forward with confidence that growth can happen in the aftermath of an affair. Once an affair has happened, the couple faces a fork in the road, with one possibility leading to further disruption and the other leading to maturation. Let’s Talk Question: As you face the prospect of responding to an extra-marital affair, what are the top issues that you feel need to be examined most carefully?