MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio


June 28, 2016

In every close relationship there is the potential for being misunderstood, dismissed, or scolded.  When those moments occur, it is common to respond with defensiveness or anger. As an alternative, though, you could learn to adjust your thoughts in a manner that would allow self-directed trust to guide your responses. In this episode we will explore how inner trust leads to calm reactions.
Something to Think about:

When responding to a confrontation, argumentative words imply that you are threatened by the other person.

When your character is right, you can choose to sidestep the temptation to justify the legitimacy of who you are.

Your calm response to another person’s aggression can have a disarming impact.

Let’s Talk Question:
Why is it difficult or unnatural to respond to an unfair confrontation with calm self-trust?