MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

The Most Important Ingredient for Managing Anger

May 10, 2016

When strains are openly addressed within marriage, it is far too common to focus on what the other person should do in order to make things right.  The alternative is to have a clear self-focus anchored in wisdom and discernment.  As you plan who you want to be despite unfriendly responses, you can become a model worthy of following.
Something to Think about:

Sometimes it is impossible to make others change, and continued efforts to make that change happen can lead to your own demise.

There are times when the best way to contribute to relational wholeness is to think solo.

As you rehearse healthy responses in your private moments, you can be prepared to respond well in tense situations.

Let’s Talk Question:
Why do people press so hard to make others change, as opposed to focusing instead on personal initiatives?