MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

If “Can’t" Is True

March 22, 2016

Unfortunately disappointment and tension is inevitable is close relationships, especially as unwanted circumstances arise.  In those moments, some succumb to the word “can’t.”  They can assume (falsely) a complete lack of choice in the moment.  This episode will explore four ways to reorient your thinking so you will not become emotionally paralyzed by “can’t.”
Something to Think about:

People who assume they can’t manage their circumstances are commonly focused on changing their externals, not their internals.

“Can’t thinking” sets you up for behavioral extremes such as people pleasing, withdrawal, or emotional explosions.

Coming to terms with undesirable circumstances usually requires giving up reasonable ideals.

Let’s Talk Question:
In what circumstances do you falsely conclude that you have no choice?