MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Dignity and Contentment

March 15, 2016

One of the great minds of the 20th century was that of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.  While he is most known for political commentary, his philosophies are amazingly relevant for the home life too. In this episode we will identify 10 life lessons that are a direct spin-off from his core beliefs about dignity and the life of true contentment.
Something to Think about:

Life is best lived as part of a well-conceived scheme, not just random preferences.

High control is a bankrupt way of life, as so is freely chosen greed and self-absorption.

Rather than majoring on what society should do differently, it is wisest to reflect on what I as one person can do to impact the world around me.

Let’s Talk Question:
If you prioritized respect for others and a willingness to be content within yourself, how would your behaviors and communications at home be most powerfully impacted?