MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

When Winning Means Losing

March 01, 2016

When you and your partner disagree it can be easy to slip into a win-lose manner of communicating.  When this happens, control and stubbornness become central as listening and cooperation fade.  In this episode we will explore how efforts to win ultimately lead to relationship loss, and we will then identify healthy alternatives.
Something to Think about:

An unwillingness to concede that others have differing preferences leads to a tendency to lord over that person.

Marriage is not a battleground. You are helping no one as you attempt to vanquish your own teammate.

True winners show honor to the other person by trying to learn that person’s truth.

Let’s Talk Question:
When you and your partner go into a conquering form of communication, what common patterns emerge?  What are your better alternatives?