MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Real Strength

February 23, 2016

When we think of a person who is overwhelming or domineering, it is common to interpret that person as very strong.  Yet simple logic tells us that one who belittles and demeans is anything but strong. Real strength is measured by traits anchored in gentleness.  In this episode you will be challenged to prioritize traits like respect, humility, and patience as you seek to become a person of influence.
Something to Think about:

The more overwhelming a person is, the more it illustrates deep hurt and insecurity.

Self restraint (not insulting outbursts) is an indicator of real fortitude.

A gentle person is more likely to be in touch with the more meaningful aspects of life like goodness, grace, and dignity.

Let’s Talk Question:
What fears do you believe are at the base of an insulting, overpowering manner of communication?  As an alternative, in what way can gentleness indicate strength?