MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Four Kinds of Love

February 09, 2016

Love is much more than a fuzzy feel-good experience, as delightful as that might be. Love requires friendship, purpose, planning, initiative and communication.  In this episode we will identify four distinct aspects of being in love, with the goal of stimulating you to examine how you can build a broad and deep foundation for rewarding exchanges.
Something to Think about:

Maintaining a love relationship involves a multitude of variables that go beyond just feeling good about each other.

When elements of love seem missing, communicating your needs in a constructive manner is of utmost importance.

The marriage relationship is the one place where you have a chance to impact your partner in ways that no one else on earth can.

Let’s Talk Question:
To you, what is the most important ingredient necessary for a longstanding love relationship? Why?