MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Am I Living With A Narcissist?

January 12, 2016

One of the most difficult patterns of life is narcissism, a deep sense of self-absorption driven by entitlement and manipulation.  This episode identifies 8 qualities to watch for as you discern if you are dealing with a narcissist.  Once you recognize the narcissistic pattern, you will probably need to determine how to apply firm boundaries, as opposed to getting caught in circular arguments you will never win.
Something to Think about:

Narcissists operate with low empathy and high control.

True intimacy is difficult with a narcissist because of the inability to coordinate.

Rather than getting caught in circular arguments with a narcissist, it is wiser to live out your assertions with decisive priorities.

Let’s Talk Question:
In what ways have you felt trapped as you try to coordinate life with a narcissist?