Marni on the Move

Marni on the Move

374. Trailblazing with Oiselle: CEO Arielle Knutson Talks Running, Brand Vision, Athlos, and Empowering Women

September 25, 2024

Today, I’m thrilled to be syncing up with Arielle Knutson, CEO of Oiselle, the pioneering women’s running apparel brand. Arielle takes us behind the scenes of Oiselle’s rich history, its evolution as a brand for women by women, and how she’s leading the company into the future. We dive into her decade at Nuun Hydration, her passion for sports marketing, and how her experience as a runner and triathlete has shaped her journey. Arielle also shares exciting new initiatives, including Oiselle’s collaboration with Athlos, the women’s-only track and field event, plus much more!”


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