Mark Hummel's Harmonica Party

Mark Hummel's Harmonica Party

Special Guest: Fito de la Parra

May 23, 2023

#cannedheat #woodstock #blues #rock&roll

Fido is a founding member of Canned Heat. Canned Heat rose to fame because their knowledge and love of blues music was both wide and deep. Emerging in 1966, Canned Heat was founded by blues historians and record collectors Alan “Blind Owl” Wilson and Bob “The Bear” Hite. The band attained three worldwide hits, “On The Road Again” in 1968, “Let’s Work Together” in 1970 and “Going Up The Country” in 1969 became rock anthems throughout the world with the latter being adopted as the unofficial theme song for the film Woodstock and the “Woodstock Generation.”

Mark Hummel


Accidental Productions