The Technical Program Management Podcast & Interviews

The Technical Program Management Podcast & Interviews

Microsoft Program Manager Interview: With Alessandro Catorcini - Part I

December 04, 2018

Technical Program Manager Interview: With  Alessandro Catorcini
A fabulous interview with Alessandro Catorcini! He has over 20 years of experience in tech. He spent over 15 years at Microsoft in various roles from being a software architect, a Principal Group Program Manager. He’s worked at Amazon and now he and I work at Oracle’s Cloud Infrastructure Team also known as OIC. He is one of those people I see who are solving problems that are large at scale.  And another very interesting tit-bit is that he has done over 200 Interviews in the last 2 years at OCI. Technical Program Manager Interview: With  Alessandro Catorcini
PART II of this interview lives here :) 
We talk about:-

* TPM interviewing tips.
Five core traits of Technical Program Managers.
TPM leveling.
What are the things to watch out for during an Interview in General.
Compare the role across various organizations. Eg: Microsoft vs Oracle.

What are some of the most understated qualities a TPM candidate must have?
How do you evaluate a candidate's technical aptitude?

Listen and enjoy !
Mario Gerard
ps: You can find more podcasts here. And the next episode here.
Transcript of the podcast;-
Interview with Alessandro Catorcini
Mario: Hello and welcome to the TPM podcast with Mario Gerard. I plan on doing a series of interviews with fellow TPM's and PM's, with top leaders and invite them to share their ideas with the TPM community. So, if you're interested in sharing your ideas, do reach out to me.
Today, I have with me a very special guest, Alessandro Catorcini, and we're going to chat about a couple of things, primarily revolving around the fundamental characteristics of TPMS, how we level TPMS and what the TPM journey looks like. Alessandro has over 20 years of experience. He spent nearly 15 years at Microsoft doing various roles from being a software architect to a group principal program manager. He then worked at Amazon and now he's at Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure team where he and I are colleagues.
He's one of those people I see who take and solve large skilled problems. Another very interesting tidbit about Alessandro is he's done over 200 interviews in the last two years at OCI. Alessandro, why don't you introduce yourself.
Alessandro: Hi everyone, and thank you, Mario, for the introduction, it's kind of large-scale problems. Yeah, well more than large-scale problems, I've solved a lot of problems of every size, some of which happened to be larger than others.
Mario: Yeah, today and that's when I saw your tagline, 'I solve problems' or something to that context.
Alessandro: Yeah, that came out of a joke actually. When I was working with a networking team, they started calling me behind my back you Mr. Wolf, like Winston Wolf of Pulp Fiction.
Mario: Cool. So, you have also done a lot of interviews for us.
Alessandro: I did, yes.
Mario: Approximately over the last two years what do you think the count is?
Alessandro: Actually, I was looking at the scoreboard, there is a keyboard of the interviews which is actually funny. I was at 263, I think,